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Winlink Saturday: On the air waves near you!

The Muscatine and Cedar County ARES team is sponsoring a weekly Winlink event every Saturday. The exercise is different each week, meaning what you need to send in via Winlink each week changes. Sometimes it will be a weather condition report from your location, or it might be an ICS form simply containing your check-in information.

These reports will be accepted from midnight on Friday until midnight on Saturday. That gives you 24 hours to get your check-in to the NCS station. From there a report with all check-ins will be made and the results published, or maybe even sent back to you via Winlink email.

If you are not currently familiar with Winlink, and how it works, please get online and download it. It is a free download and all MCARES members need to be familiar with how Winlink and it's associated forms and attachments work. This weekly check-in can be done on HF, 2m FM, AREDN Post Office, or even by the internet at worst case. We really need to use our other methods of communications if at all possible. I less we have to reply on the intern, the better.

Bruce - WBØGAG will be your person of contact, as he has stepped up and volunteered to take on this weekly task. Once we have all of the particulars put together, you will be able to find more information about this re-occurring event on it's website at

Thank you and 73, de Scott - NØMRZ

Club Meetings

We meet the second Monday evening of each month at 7:00 pm. 

Our meetings are held at:

Pizza Ranch

106 Ford Avenue

Muscatine, IA 52761

Show up around 6:15-6:30 pm to eat before the meeting. This is an "OPEN" meeting. All are invited to attend.

Club Repeater - KC0AQS

The KC0AQS/R 146.31/91 repeater located at the Muscatine Community College campus.

The repeater is an open access machine for the use of all licensed amateurs.

The repeater requires 192.8 Hz CTCSS for access.
Weekly net every Sunday at 8:30 pm Local Time. Please check in and meet the local hams.

Weekly Club Net

Weekly net every Sunday at 8:30 pm Local Time. Please check in and meet the local hams on the 146.910 repeater.

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