KCØAQS-R Echolink Repeater

Echolink Node# 52761
Linked to the KCØAQS - 146.910 Repeater

EchoLink is linked to the KCØAQS 146.910 repeater. This requires a dedicated computer, radio interface and software as well as the 2 meter radio and antenna that is driven by the Echolink software. Our Echolink node has a vanity node number, it's the zip code for Muscatine, IA., it is 52761
To connect to other area repeaters that also have Echolink send the following DTMF tones:
01 - ACØEC-R - Wapello, Iowa
02 - ABØDX-R (WØARC) - Washington, Iowa
03 - NØRXD-R - Iowa City, Iowa
04 - KEØIHD-R - Mt Pleasant, Iowa
05 - WAØDX-R - Ottumwa, Iowa
06 - KC9LMF-R - Dallas City, Illinois
07 - KDØDKS-R - Garrison, Iowa
08 - Node Status
09 - NØMPM-L (KØPEA-R) - Pella, Iowa
10 - WØDBQ-R - Dubuque, Iowa
# - To disconnect one node or user.
## - To disconnect all connect nodes/users.
(if you have more than one connected)
The Echolink node link & radio is now hosted at the shack of Owen - WØOCM
To connect to other nodes or repeaters on the Echolink system, send the following DTMF tones:
*(Node ID). The same # tone will disconect. Here are a few area repeater nodes:
Node _ Frequency Location__________
*376609 WØIY-R / Cedar Rapids, IA
*748353 443.000 Cedar Rapids, IA
*162535 453.800 Cedar Rapids, IA
If you are out-of-town and on a repeater with Echolink you should be able to send *52761 to link to our Echolink station on the KCØAQS repeater.

EchoLink® software is offered free of charge for your iPhone, Android, or PC to licensed Amateur Radio operators worldwide, for Amateur Radio use only. Please note that you must hold a valid Amateur Radio license in order to use EchoLink. After installing the program, you must provide proof of license if you wish to use it