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Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES Weekly Net Script

Repeater net control script (Last revision: 01-31-2023)

This is the script for the weekly Muscatine County ARES net that meets on the 146.91 MARC repeater at 9:00pm Central Time each Sunday evening, followed by a simplex net on 146.445

Pre-net (five minutes before the net)

This is (callsign) ________ . The Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES net will begin in approximately FIVE minutes.

(one minute before the net)

This is (callsign) ________ . The Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES net will begin in approximately ONE minute.

Preamble (at 9:00 pm local time)

CQ, CQ, CQ. This is ACØEC, Net Control Operator for the Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County Amateur Radio Emergency Service net. My name is (name/position) _______/________ , my personal call is __________ (callsign), and I am located in (city or locality) _______________ , Iowa. This net meets every Sunday evening at 9:00 pm local time for the purpose of planning, practicing and discussing the activities of the Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES groups. Please also note that a short simplex net will be held immediately following this net on 146.445

​Emergency traffic

Any emergency traffic will be handled with top priority during this net. I will now break for any emergency traffic. Emergency traffic only, please call now.


(If there is no emergency traffic, say "Nothing heard" and continue)


​If you need to pass emergency traffic at any time during this net, please notify Net Control and your traffic will be handled accordingly.


Net practices

This is a directed net. Please do not transmit unless called by Net Control. During the net, please direct all communications through Net Control station. Please check out if you should need to leave prior to the closing of this net.

This net is open to anyone who is licensed to operate on this repeater and is interested in amateur radio public service communications. This net is affiliated with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service of the American Radio Relay League, however, ARRL or ARES membership is not required to check in to the net.

​Please remember that if this repeater is not operational at the time of the net, this net will be held on 146.445 simplex.

​This is ACØEC , Net Control for the Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES net. 

(break for the repeater)


We will accept check-ins in order of ARES affiliation. All stations will have an opportunity to check in; however, please wait for the appropriate check-in group. We will begin with ARES State Officers including Emergency Coordinators, then Assistant Emergency Coordinators, stations on EchoLink, ARES members, and finish with general check-ins.

Except those on Echolink, when called for check-in, please say "This is", (unkey) Then unkey and listen. If you do not hear another station, continue your transmission providing:

  • your call sign, first alphabetically then again with international phonetics

  • your name

  • your location

  • County of ARES affiliation

  • whether you have announcements or comments

  • and, whether or not you plan to check into the Simplex Net following this net.


We will now take check-ins from ARES State Officers. Please provide your title and location when checking in. ARES State Officers only, please call ACØEC at this time.


(As stations check in, Log them, then acknowledge them one at a time. Make note of anyone who has traffic, make a list of those stations indicating they will be checking in on the simplex net.)


We will now take check-ins from ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinators. All ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinators, please call ACØEC at this time.

(break ... only call once)


We will now take check-ins from stations on EchoLink. EchoLink stations only, please call ACØEC at this time.

(break ...only call once)

(Due to the nature of EchoLink connections, please allow sufficient time for the repeater carrier to drop. Only then will EchoLink stations be able to transmit.)


We will now take check-ins from all ARES members. Please provide the county of your ARES affiliation when checking in. ARES members only, please call ACØEC at this time.



We will now take general check-ins. If you have not yet checked in and wish to do so, please call ACØEC at this time.



​Announcements, discussion, and questions

This is ACØEC , Net Control for the Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES net. We will now go on to announcements, or comments........

(Recognize any stations that checked in with traffic)

(Make Muscatine Team announcements)


Last Announcements: As a reminder to all stations, immediately after this net, a quick simplex net will take place on 146.445. All area stations that are able, are encouraged to check in.

To find out more information about the Muscatine, Louisa or Cedar County ARES team, please go to,

Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES team meets the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00pm, at MCC, in Strahan Hall, Room 8, and on ZOOM . This is an open meeting and all are invited to attend. Contact NØMRZ if you would like to be added to the distribution list to receive the Zoom invitation.

Announce area nets...

Monday nights at approximately 7:30pm, the Washington County ARES team has their weekly repeater net on 147.045, followed by a simplex net on 146.415....

On Thursday nights at 7pm, tune into the 146.880 Davenport repeater for the Scott County ARES net. That net is followed by a simplex net on 146.475.


Final Call

This is ACØEC , Net Control Operator for the Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES net. Do we have any additional questions, comments, announcements or last check-ins? If so, please call now.


(Log and acknowledge any late check-ins)



Thank you to everyone who participated in this evening's ARES net.


The mission of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service®, Inc. is to provide reliable and alternate communications to our served agencies in times of emergency, disaster, or national crisis.

The Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES team would like to thank the Muscatine Amateur Radio Club for maintaining this repeater for public service communications.


This evening we had (check-in count) ________ check-ins, including the net control station.


​The next scheduled net will be next Sunday evening at 9:00 pm.


​This is ACØEC , closing the net at (local time) ________ pm and returning the repeater to normal amateur radio use. All stations please proceed to 146.445 simplex for the Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County ARES  simplex net. This is (personal callsign) _________ clear and QSY to 146.445, 73

(DTMF ## to bring down all links, # to bring down last Echolink connection)



After the net is over, please send an e-mail to with a list of the stations that checked in and the time each net was closed. This will allow us to make a report of our net and volunteer time. 

Thank you, Scott - NØMRZ - EC

Emergency Channel
Muscatine County
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